
Thursday, January 6, 2011

words to live by...not mine of course, but some wise soul came up with them!

May today there be peace within.
May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you use the gifts that you have received.
May you pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content with yourself just the way you are.
Let this knowledge settle into your bones. 
Allow yourself the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

the kirbys from A to Z in 2010

a string tied to the door and Cooper loses 2 front teeth (previously not loose)
barbies! legos! army men! walk in the dark with caution.
come follow me. cooper, the pied piper brings home new children everyday
dan travels quite a bit: FL, AR, TX, WI, IL, AZ, MN to name a few
eden and emersyn turn 15! i mean turn 4.
freddie our christmas elf makes his first appearance and it adorable
going, going and gone too quickly are these years. enjoying every second.
haircutting by eden! lots and lots. 
idaho becomes our cousin, Remington's new stomping grounds. we miss him.
jaxon decides he like the locks. grows his hair out. cute.
kids had a ball with their cousins in AZ playing the wii and enjoying the sun
little fire scare from a holiday candle
my children become able to use my phone better than me
no serious stitches and/or broken bones-maybe this is our big turning point
Ofirst full year with NO diapers~blissful
potatoes become a staple. they are the only dish all my children agree on
quiet and peaceful...NEVER
road trip to vegas and phoenix for thanksgiving
summer nights with friends until at least 10pm every night-loved every   minute
tornado twins earn their name
unusual obsession with emersyn trying to find her real mother (blond hair) 
victory by the UTES with the blocked field goal...sorry cougs.
X year anniversary
yay. we got a new aunt. my baby travis married sara this past june.
zoo lights were the highlight of our december activities

happy year 2011...wishing you all health and happiness! xoxox


having that was a fabulous idea.